Your smile depends on implementing effective oral health care routines throughout your life. However, routines that may have been adequate while you were younger may not be enough as you age. This is because your teeth naturally weaken and age as you get older. To provide additional care as you get older, implement new and effective treatments including upgrades to your lifestyle choices, your diet and your oral hygiene.
Your lifestyle plays a key role in your oral health because it can influence the rate at which tooth decay can occur and the presence of oral accidents or injuries. Always remember to wear the appropriate safety gear if you are involved in any high-risk activities. Furthermore, avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco.
Your teeth can wear down due to the presence of harmful acids or other debris that can increase your risk of tooth decay, dental erosion and gum disease. To help reverse these effects, always make sure your mouth is cleaned out on a daily basis. This includes using effective and non-abrasive brushing and flossing tools every day.
For more information about aging dental health treatments, or to schedule a comprehensive oral examination with Dr. Eudoro Vallejo and our team at Advanced Family Dental Care, give us a call at 201-457-9595. Our dentist office is suitably located in Hackensack, New Jersey.